You or someone you love feels lonely, scared, and overwhelmed. You notice yourself turning in, avoiding, and hurting yourself. Maybe you crave freedom and validation, or maybe skills to navigate this complicated world.

For the past 5 years I have worked with teens and adults that are faced with the challenges of being marganizled in a world that does not feel safe for them. I work hard to connect with each person and tailor our work towards their needs and interests. We can talk, we can throw things, we can walk together…whatever the method, we are working towards healing TOGETHER. Read more about my specific offerings below!



For most queer people, having a queer therapist helps! It is nice to feel seen and comfortable, when you are doing courageous self-work. I love working with queer adults, youth, and parents of LGBTQ+ youth.

Whether you are wanting to focus on your identity development or want a safe space to navigate mental health, I am here to use my experience and own journey to help.

I have been honored to accompany many clients through transitions, identity development and change, coming out, self advocacy, and building community. Please, give me a call so we can begin your journey together!

Social Justice

Do you know the challenge of feeling alone, not having representation of your identities, constantly having to speak up or speak out, and maybe even avoiding life becasue it is dangerous and exhausting? This can cause extreme anxiety, exhaustion, symptoms of depression, withdrawal from others, and fear. All of these are things I invite into the room because social justice counseling is about more than just the individual person.

Therapy, historically, has been a white, cis-male, straight profession. I challenge that in every way that I can by prioritizing anti-racism and decolonizing therapy. I will identify my own areas of privilege and oppression and always educate myself to better understand your identities.

EMDR Trauma Therapy

Trauma is present for many people; it impacts work, school, relationships, sleep, attention, self esteem and countless other facets of your life. If you have an identified trauma, years of trauma, and/or symptoms of trauma, I want to help you find relief. The foundation of our work will be building trust and your own skills so that you feel safe and supported as I walk along you in your trauma journey.

EMDR is a specific kind of trauma therapy that I have been trained in, and absolutely believe in. If you are curious about EMDR, please read more under the Services tab, or give me a call, as I would love to discuss this as an option for you!


I work from a systems perspective.

This means that I believe if we can connect with your support systems to increase your healing, why wouldn’t we? With your consent, I can work with family systems, school systems, and work places to help support your growth. One on One therapy is wonderful, but if we can get the systems you are a part of to support you as well, I think that is even better! Reach out to learn more!

All of you is welcome here!